I know that many people don't believe in hunting (killing animals), but since I was raised on hunting & fishing and learned to actually enjoy eating the food supply it gave our family I am OK with it.
Recently I took the opportunity to spend some time with my older brother and others (Dad was supposed to join us - backed out at the last minute) on a quail hunting trip to the deserts of Arizona (Kingman area). This happened to be the same area we had been a year earlier (with all the brothers & Dad), only this time the success was much improved. We laughed upon returning last year that we had just enjoyed a wonderful camping trip, but this trip was different. The hunt opended on Fri but I didn't join the hunting party until late Fri night (around midnight). Saturday morning we woke to rain, but luckily it passed after the morning hours and the hunting for the next 2 days was great (96 total for 3 days hunting - 5 hunters) not bad huh.
If you ever want a great dutch oven meal, try quail wrapped in bacon with a bunch of veggies on the side mmmmmmm good.
I'm so happy for you to have such great success on your "hunting" trip. You look like you guys were very happy with your "kill". I can't imagine how wonderful the poor inocent little birds must taste...their tender, little wings must be so moist and their plump bodies so juicy! I'm sure any mommies or babies left behind, that didn't make the "hit list", will be just fine on their own and maybe even next year, if they are lucky, you can "hunt them down and murder them too"...love, Tricia. PS.JK
Tricia, So funny!
Dad, I am so happy that you are getting back to something you loved to do with your family so much! However, don't encourage Joseph too much, there are way too many things available to hunt in WY. We would never see him. I have actually heard that quail is very good!
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