I tell my kids that life is a journey--enjoy every minute of it. The kids even made me a sign for my wall that says "enjoy the journey"--so why is it that those 3 words are hard to do sometimes.
About 5 weeks ago, I did one of those stupid things. Bryan and I were walking out of the Marriott Center after a BYU Basketball game. It was snowing and actually, it was very pretty. We had commented as we went in that the sidewalk was slick--just waiting for someone to fall.
Well you guessed it--it was me that fell. My foot just slipped out from under me. Bryan tried hard to catch me--but I almost took him down with me. It was crowed and before I knew it, 2 men from behind me had me back on my feet. Well, at least one foot. I made it back to the car. I knew I hadn't broken anything, but it really hurt. I went to work the next day--probably shouldn't have -but did. The pain got worse and so on Thursday I went to the doctor. Bryan had really wanted to take that weekend and surprise Amy and go up. So he was trying to convince me to do such. The doctor thought it was just bruised and said the trip would be OK if we got out and walked often. Didn't want blood clots. So we did. The surprise was great. We called Joe when we were about 4 hours away- it was 10:00 p.m. by then and we needed to have him leave the door open for us. When Amy and the kids got up the next morning, they were so excited. And we had a great time - other that my leg hurt and Amy didn't feel very well. The two of us sat on the Couch and laughed. Ashley did somecleanind for her and we even got Bryan to clean her fridge. We really enjoyed the trip. But by the time I got home, the pain was incredible. So back to the doctor I went. This time I went for an ultra sound. Yes, there was a blood clot. Ashley used her new talents and gave me shots in the stomach for a week and took very good care of me. Bryan was off that week and really tried hard to make me laugh. I am not a very good patient, because I am so use to helping all of them, that I don't like to just be waited on.
But a big thanks to Bryan and Ashley for all they did for me. It was a journey!
Oh My heck! I see that you just posted and what a story you have to tell! Are you ok? I would ask "how was the trip?" but that wouldn't be very nice considering the pain and since you actually did go on a trip afterwards! So, are you back at work? Are you in a cast or boot? Geez, I am sorry! We are too old for this kind of stuff! Call me and let's get together! I have a handicap sign, we could get a good parking spot for dinner!love ya,miss ya,Tricia
Isn't life fun!? You are doing a great job at blogging. I enjoy reading them, but I haven't ventured into the writing. I'm glad you are feeling better, and hope that it continues that way. Love you!
Good thing you had your own personal nurse!! Those darn blood clots,I'm starting to pray now in my younger years that I don't get one of those!! Hope your feeling better!
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