Thursday, October 6, 2011

How 1 one week can change your life!

Last week Bryan went in for that dreaded colonascopy. Everyone told him him how bad it would be. But the parts they told him would be bad turned out to be the easy part.  Drinking all of the medicine for 24 hours before he went in were bad--many trips to the bathroom and the hunger pains.  But nothing can compare to watching him come out of the anesthesia.  He laid there so quite.  His pulse kept dropping--that is normal for him.  The beeper went off when his pulse hit 45--the nurse came in to check.  Maybe we should wake him up.  But he is sleeping so sound--that was rare now days.  Reset the beeper.  Beeper goes off when pulse is 40.  Nurse comes in.  Watches him for a minute.  Still normal for Bryan.  We should wake him up.  I rub his forehead, and his arms, hold his hand and hope he will wake up.  He sleeps a little longer and then wakes up.  What comes next was the nightmare,  Not the pulse dropping to 39.  The doctor coming in to tell the results.  Tumor and cancer.  Let me go back to sleep and try waking up again.  Hold my hand Bryan--we are in for a ride.  It will be rough, but I love you and with Gods help, we will survive this.


Joseph and Amy Katschke said...

Yes, we will survive this!! But it is going to be a REALLY rough ride, just know you aren't onboard alone, we will ride as much of it with you as we can!!

YaYa said...

This post makes me teary. We love you both and will continue to put your names in the temple. I know you have tons of prayers heavenward!