Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Color in my life!

For those of you that know me, I have a hard time making a change, mostly because I have a hard time making a decision. So when we moved last November, my kids were excited because they said I could start decorating. When you rent, it is hard to get excited about decorating. The house had recently been painted, which is one thing we really liked. But the entire house was white. At different times, all of my kids expressed interest in helping me paint. Lets add color they all said. I said give me time, I will I just don't know what I want to do. So, when James and Katie called me and said we want to paint your kitchen this week, I caved. I have been waiting to put a picture on and haven't so I decided to write and put a picture on later. They all love it! I told them I had to get use to it. James said he would repaint it in the fall if I still didn't like it. But the good news is I really like it. It is better all the time.


Our Family Adventures said...

I can't wait to see the picture! Color makes all the difference :)

Katy & James said...

HEY SUSAN!! thanks again for all of your hard work. I just wanted to say you have been tagged... Look on!